Paying for ugg boots from overseas

once you slide your feet into Ugg sheepskin boots, you won't ever want to step out of them. Whether you prefer boots, slippers, or shoes, Ugg Australia's got them all for you. Take a look at our collection of ugg pink , Ugg shoes and Ugg slippers. We guarantee you'll want to get naked in your Uggs!make sure it's the right plastic; read the Spending Overseas article for details.

Credit cards are better than debit cards!

Spend on your credit card and you have more rights than you do on a debit card. This is all about Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act which makes the card provider jointly liable with the retailer if anything should go pear-shaped.

Pay for ugg classic cardy boots over £100 fully or partially on your credit card and if something goes wrong, you can simply make a claim directly against the card provider without having to contact the retailer at all. This counts for overseas purchases too. Read a full guide to Section 75 Protection.
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related articles:How to check that boots are genuine UGG Australia

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